Monday, May 23, 2011


Today, the kids helped me plant 12 pounds of seed potatoes - four pounds each of red norlands, white kennebecs, and norkotah russets.  Last week we planted onions (candy variety from plants) and peas (sugar ann snap peas). 

It's still really cold here, cooler than average, so while I usually plant tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, and the rest on Memorial Day weekend, I'm not sure it's a good idea to go ahead and do that quite yet.  Maybe beans, carrots, and dill can go in this weekend, but I think I'll wait another weekend to plant my transplants and cucumbers & squash.

Any other zone 3 readers out there who have been brave enough to plant more than potatoes and peas?


  1. I'm actually in zone 5 and have planted peas, potatoes, beets, carrots, lettuce and arugula. All root crops except for the salad greens and peas, which are hardy. I have tomatoes in the house under lights, in the cold frame and under walls-o-water. The tomatoes in the cold frame are doing good, but it's still been too cold to plant tomatoes. I'm waiting for it to warm up. It's supposed to get warm today. I hope it does so I can start hardening off my tomatoes.

  2. Hi Billi Jo,

    I can't offer any advice about the potatoes, although I'll look forward to seeing the progression.

    You asked about the rock book says 'thrives in sun or light shade.' I would say that mine is in light shade and it seems to be doing great.

  3. Believe it or not I planted 1/2 the garlic as an experiement and it is doing great. We got the greenhouse up and I will not tell you all the cool stuff I planted that I never thought I would attempt before. Funny you talk about potatoes, I bought an old washtub to put next to the greenhouse and I am going to put potatoes in it. If it ever stops raining. Good luck with your potatos and peas. I love peas.
